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Bumps, bruises and cuts – how homeopathy can help to heal quickly

by Carolyn Howgego, BS (Hons), BA (Hons), LCHE

We hope you enjoy Carolyn's latest blog, which is the seventh in a series of articles which offers alternatives to "Modern Medicine".


Lawrence & Sam

Bumps, bruises and cuts are a common occurrence with little ones, but homeopathy can help to heal these everyday dramas.


Arnica, our most well-known homeopathic remedy is the number one for bumps and bruises. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given Arnica to my three children growing up. It is the one remedy we keep in the kitchen cupboard so it’s within easy reach and everyone always knows where it is.

If you give Arnica immediately after a bump, you can sometimes prevent a bruise from appearing. But you can still give it later and it will help the bruise come out, relieve pain and reduce swelling. In fact, I’ve used Arnica many years after an injury, where my patient has never been well since their accident, and it has helped incredibly well. If you have an old injury from which you feel you haven’t ever fully recovered, or other illnesses began afterwards, do get in touch for a full consultation.

Use Arnica 30c or 200c, as often as required. Every 15 minutes after a more serious injury until the pain has reduced, less often for a minor injury, and then three times daily until full recovery, if needed.

Arnica is great for:

· every kind of trauma but most notably from a fall, blow or bump

· bruising, or the feeling of being bruised everywhere such as after a car accident

· emotional shock after an injury or accident, especially those children who say “I’m alright” but quite clearly aren’t. Anyone who underplays their injury.

· post-operatively to speed healing

· after dental treatment, especially if it’s been a bit traumatic, like wisdom teeth extraction

· during and after childbirth. Arnica is in every Pregnancy and Childbirth Kit, and I’ve given Arnica to every one of my patients after childbirth. It helps to heal the physical trauma and the emotional shock. And I’m sure that recovering more quickly and being helped to process the shock of childbirth can help to prevent post-natal depression.

· muscular soreness and restlessness after an injury, as if the child just can’t get comfortable in any position

· a head injury

The remedy Ledum can be given after Arnica if the bruise turns purplish or “black and blue” and there is still a lot of swelling. Ledum is the best remedy for a black eye.

Self-help for bumps

· to reduce the pain and speed healing apply an ice pack or bag of peas wrapped in a cloth onto the injury for five minutes

· apply Arnica cream to a bump or bruise as long as the skin is not broken as it can irritate the skin (see below for broken skin)

· if the injury is really painful, lie the person down and raise the injured part above their heart to help slow the flow of blood and reduce swelling

· if the bump or bruise becomes very swollen or the pain gets worse after 24 hours, seek professional help

· don’t delay seeking help - you can give homeopathic remedies on the way to the hospital


For cuts, our main remedy is Calendula, although you can give a dose of Arnica first if your child is in shock and then move on to Calendula. Give Calendula three times daily until the wound has healed.

Calendula is great for:

· relieving pain

· healing wounds quickly – but you must be sure the wound is clean to avoid infection

· preventing infection and sepsis

· post-operatively, to reduce the pain of surgical cuts

· after dental work - use the mother tincture diluted as a mouth wash, but wait 24 hours to allow a clot to form after an extraction, and then use gently to avoid the clot detaching

· healing ruptured ear drums after an ear infection

· an eye bath to heal an eye injury - again use a few drops of the mother tincture diluted in the eye bath

· a torn muscle

If your child has a puncture wound, like a pencil through the cheek, or a needle through their hand, the best remedy is Ledum. Especially if the area turns black and blue and feels better for cold bathing.

For more lacerated wounds where the nerve endings may have been damaged and there is shooting pain try Hypericum. Hypericum is also the remedy to think of if your child has fallen on their coccyx (tailbone), trapped their finger in a door, dropped something heavy on their toe, or cut their lip, where there will be shooting pain. Try 200c in these cases.

Self-help for cuts

· clean the wound by rinsing it under running water or use an alcohol-free wipe removing all dirt (even if you’re faced with a lot of objections!)

· raise and support the injured part – arm or hand above head and leg or foot, lie down and raise above the level of the heart to reduce bleeding and swelling

· bathe the wound with a solution of HyperCal or Calendula mother tincture (10-15 drops in a small cup of water). These tinctures have antiseptic properties to prevent infection.

· apply Calendula cream to the clean wound and then apply a sterile dressing

· if the bleeding doesn’t stop, there’s a foreign object in the cut or any sign of infection speak to a healthcare professional

Next week will be my last blog in this series but if you’ve been inspired to try homeopathy for your own children and would like to know a little more before you start, you can buy a recording of my short, introduction to homeopathy workshop, ‘Homeopathy at home for healthy children’, (£29). This workshop will give you the confidence to begin self-prescribing homeopathy at home. Email me at to get a copy.

Carolyn Howgego is a fully qualified homeopath with 15 years of experience of treating babies, children and adults. She owns Carolyn Howgego Homeopathy where she sees clients of all ages, from the UK and internationally, over Zoom. Go here to book a FREE Discovery Call with Carolyn, or a full consultation.

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