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Covid-19 Restrictions end in England

"All Covid-19 restrictions will end in England on Thursday [24/02/2022] and free mass testing will stop from 1 April. The prime minister told MPs the legal duty to isolate for those who tested positive would be dropped as he unveiled his "living with Covid" plan." (BBC website)

Well I can't say I'm not relieved at this announcement!!

Firstly I would like to thank ALL of the Staff at Apple Daycare for their dedication and professionalism over the past 2 years. This has been a very challenging time for everyone, but I believe our Staff have made a Herculean effort to keep us open and safe.

Our Covid-19 infection record was one of the best, if not the best, in the UK. The Staff have tested daily for months and restricted their social lives to ensure we can provide an uninterrupted service throughout the pandemic. Well done Apple Team!!!

I am delighted to announce we can revert to our Sickness & Illness Policy for the first time in 2 years. We will no longer take children's temperatures on the door, however as before the pandemic, if your child has a temperature it must be controllable with Calpol or Nurofen for them to attend Nursery, and sometimes even if they have a controllable temperature they may be too unwell to attend Nursery. Please adopt a sensible and practical approach to attendance when your child is unwell.

Our policy can be viewed in full here: page 94 [Passcode: Apple123]

I sincerely hope we never experience anything like this again in our lifetimes... however rest assured if we do, Apple Daycare is well prepared!!

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